Books granted to Janamat Wangmaya Library

Bhaktapur Municipality has granted 4 books of the title ‘Nhyatapolanh Jirnodwar-2077, Khwopako pahichan’ episode 1 and 2 to Janamat Wangmaya Library of Kabhre Multiple Campus on Friday 6th of Kartik, 2077. The Municipality provided 2/2 books of each episode to the library.

Furthermore, Harshanarayan Karmacharya, a resident of Chandeswori Banepa granted his own books ‘Sanskaran ra Aatmabritanta’ to Janamat Wangmaya Library on Sunday 31st Ashwin. , 2078.

Janamat Wangmaya Library of Kabhre Multiple Campus contains more than 25,000 books at present.